About Me

Hello All!

Long Story Short:
I'm creating this blog in an effort to document my life as a premed (and I'm seriously hoping it will end soon!!) The only thing really blocking my application into medical school is a decent-enough MCAT score. I'm scheduled to retake this exam in May, hoping it will finally go well! 

Short Story Long:
I grew up in the east coast and went to college in the west coast. I majored in Biomedical Engineering (not the smartest decision). Yes, the major is cool and you learn really interesting things, but it's much tougher than I could handle. My GPA isn't bad or anything, but it's definitely not great. One piece of advice I will give every premed out there, major in something that you truly enjoy and are good at! I feel like you have all of medical school to learn all the sciences. All my friends who majored in sciences knew the same amount of information going into medical school as my friends who majored in nonscience. Basically, major in something that you enjoy and truly excel in it. 

I graduated in May and I'm working in Missouri while I attempt to do decent enough on the MCATs to apply to medical school. This is going to be my 4th time taking this monstrous exam!! I'm really tired of just seeing the word, MCAT. The first time I took the MCAT, it was my own fault; I didn't study enough and really took it lightly. The second time I took it was my fault again - I studied for it hardcore for about a month, since it was mostly review. Thus, I was rushed and didn't do everything I should have. My third time taking it, I spent an entire 2.5 months just studying for the MCAT. I thought I really had a better handle on the material. My practice exams were mediocre..but my actual exam ended up being much worse! So, here I am..taking it once again..a 4th time! 

I will be posting my thoughts and feelings as the days roll on. I've been reading many premed blogs these past few months, and I thought it was an excellent idea! It's like we've created our own little group via the world wide web!! I wish all the luck to readers through this process! Hope we all get into medical school and become our dream of becoming physicians in the upcoming years. 
